Petrobras informs that it was recognized as one of the leading companies in supplier engagement by the international organization CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, a reference in sustainability. The A- rating, referring to the 2022 cycle, was achieved in the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) aspect, a global index that evaluates the incentive of good environmental practices and efforts to mitigate climate change along the supply chain.
This result, achieved for the first time, marks the recognition of the effectiveness of Petrobras' policies and initiatives to unfold its sustainability commitments to the market that supplies goods and services.
Petrobras has joined the CDP Supply Chain program, encouraging suppliers to map their emissions and give transparency to their initiatives and practices related to governance, energy efficiency, emissions reduction, among others related to the environment, climate change and energy transition.
This is another recognition of Petrobras' efforts and initiatives in the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects, which is added to the A- classification in the themes of Climate and Water Security received by the CDP in recognition of the good practices carried out, according to the released disclosed on 12/14/2022. These classifications mean that Petrobras is recognized as a leader, a category that is reserved only for a select group of companies that demonstrate best practices in addressing environmental issues.
The company remains committed to accelerating the decarbonization of its processes and products and is committed to always acting ethically and transparently, with safety in its operations and respect for people and the environment, delivering sustainable results for a society in transition.
About CDP
Based in London, the CDP is a global reference for investors in providing quality information on risks and opportunities associated with reducing greenhouse gas, climate, water safety and forest management emissions. Currently, the CDP is used by more than 680 investors, whose assets total more than US$ 130 trillion.