In gradual preparation for the introduction of the gas guarantee of origin (GO) system in Latvia, the unified natural gas transmission and storage system operator Conexus Baltic Grid AS (Conexus) has concluded a contract with the Finnish information technology company Grexel Systems Oy for the development of the GO registry system, with Conexus performing its administration and other GO issuing body duties, following an open procurement procedure.
Last July, the Saeima approved amendments to the Energy Law, which provide for the establishment by 1 July 2023 of a system for the issuance, circulation and control of certificates of origin for gas produced from renewable energy sources. The amendments foresee that certificates of origin will be issued and managed by Conexus, developing the procedures for the circulation of the certificate of origin and also consulting third parties.
"We are pleased to have started cooperation with Grexel Systems Oy, a Finnish information technology company, given the company's extensive experience in establishing registries for certificates of origin, including the development and implementation of a number of successful gas certificate of origin projects elsewhere. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the administration of renewable gas guarantees of origin on a similar basis as has been successfully operated for several years in the electricity sector, where the guarantees of origin registry service is also provided by this Finnish company," said Uldis Bariss, Chairman of the Conexus Management Board.
The new registry system will run on Grexel Systems Oy's new next generation cloud-based registry solution G-REX. "Our aim is to create a user-friendly, reliable proof of origin registry that will not only enable the issuance of guarantees of origin, but also enable cross-border exports, thereby also developing the biomethane market," says Mr Bariss.
He adds that one of Conexus' strategic objectives is to promote the development and further integration of the gas market, also contributing to the development of the market for hydrogen and other gaseous energy carriers, and therefore the work on the establishment of a guarantee of origin system is an important step to promote the biomethane market and sustainability in Latvia.