Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed to the market on 03/17/2023, informs that it received Official Letter 257/2023/GM-MME from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), on today's date, in the following terms:
1. Petrobras disclosed a material fact on March 17, 2023, informing that its Executive Board forwarded, for the appreciation of the Board of Directors, a proposed response to Official Letter 166/2023/GM-MME, dated February 28, 2023, from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME).
2. In the proposal mentioned in the Material Fact, it was informed that, after conducting a preliminary study on the divestment processes in progress, no reasons were found to suspend those projects for which contracts have already been signed.
3. On March 22, 2023, after being indicated by the CEO of Petrobras, the new Executive Board was elected by the Board of Directors, as per item II, paragraph 1, article 36, of the Company's Bylaws.
4. In view of the above, considering the competence of Petrobras' Executive Board to propose to its Board of Directors a response to the MME, I request, due to the election of a new board of directors, that, once again, respecting the rules of governance of this company and in order to preserve the national interests, if deemed appropriate, the return of the matter to the Board of Directors is requested for further consideration by the Executive Board with the objective of conducting more in-depth studies.
Therefore, the new Management of the company will analyze such a request, according to its internal rules of governance.
Material facts will be timely disclosed to the market.