New York Set New Record for Solar Generation on May 18 of 3,330 MW

Source: 5/26/2023, Location: North America

The New York Independent System Operator reported that New York set a new record for solar generation on Thursday, May 18. During the noon hour that day, a combination of behind-the-meter (BTM) solar and front-of-the-meter (FTM) solar generated 3,330 megawatts (MW). BTM accounted for 3,200 MW and FTM accounted for 130 MW. Together, BTM and FTM solar provided approximately 20 percent of New York’s electricity demand during this hour.

Rich Dewey, President and CEO of the New York Independent System Operator said, “It’s clear that solar energy generation is an important part of New York’s energy future. This new record is reflective of growing investments and the innovative design of our markets.

Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority said, “New York is one of the most robust solar markets in the U.S. with programs such as NY-Sun driving significant growth across the state. This new record means we’re making solar energy more accessible to families and businesses while moving the State closer to meeting its Climate Act mandates.”

To put this new record in perspective, one megawatt is approximately the amount of electricity required to supply 800 to 1,000 homes. The actual peak load on the bulk power system for May 18 was 16,166 MW.

The NYISO estimates BTM production by sampling data from thousands of solar installations throughout the state. The NYISO’s solar forecasting system uses these samples to estimate the impacts of BTM solar at look-ahead periods from 15 minutes to seven days. The solar forecasting system also uses high quality meteorological measurements from the University at Albany’s Mesonet.

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