ABS & NOV Subsea to Enter Final Phase of Subsea Ammonia Storage Testing

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 6/20/2023, Location: Europe

ABS is providing new technology qualification (NTQ) services for game-changing subsea ammonia storage technology from NOV Subsea Production Systems.

The 200-cubic-meter prototype subsea storage unit (SSU) is enroute to NOV’s testing facility in Norway where large-scale product validation tests are planned for later this summer.

The subsea storage system is part of a Joint Development Project (JDP) that includes ABS, NOV Subsea Production Systems, Equinor, The Research Council of Norway and The Net Zero Technology Centre. This project unites a group of industry leaders actively enabling an economical subsea storage solution for the market.

The subsea technology brings a new and unique solution for the safe storage of larger volumes of fluids such as ammonia and other maritime e-fuels, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) chemicals and production chemicals.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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