The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced an opportunity to request a hearing on
the application to renew the operating license of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Perry, Ohio.
The agency has begun work on an environmental impact statement and plans to hold related
public meetings in October.
Energy Harbor filed an application July 3 seeking to renew the license for an additional
20 years of operation. Perry’s boiling-water reactor, about 35 miles northeast of Cleveland, is
currently licensed to operate through Nov. 7, 2026. The NRC staff has determined the
application contains sufficient information for the agency to formally docket the application and
begin its safety and environmental reviews. Docketing the application does not preclude
requesting additional information as the reviews proceed, and it does not indicate whether the
NRC will renew the license.
The hearing opportunity was announced today in the Federal Register. The notice
includes instructions for filing petitions to intervene by Nov. 28.
The NRC also will hold two public scoping meetings, one in-person near the facility and
another as a webinar/teleconference call. The staff will make a presentation on the license
renewal process and transcribe the public comment sessions. Details on both meetings will be
available in an upcoming Federal Register notice and also posted to the public meeting schedule
on NRC’s website.
The public can provide comments on the environmental review at the scoping meetings
or online at (under Docket ID NRC-2023-0136). Comments also can be emailed
to or sent via U.S. mail to Office of Administration, Mail Stop
TWFN-7-A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
The Perry license renewal application is available on the NRC website and will be
available at the Perry Public Library at 3753 Main St. in Perry.