The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking public comment on the draft
supplemental environmental impact statement for renewing the operating licenses of the
Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, near Glen Rose, Texas. The draft report contains the NRC
staff’s evaluation and preliminary conclusion that no environmental impacts would preclude
renewing the licenses for an additional 20 years of operation.
Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2 are pressurized-water reactors about 40 miles southwest of
Fort Worth, Texas. Unit 1’s operating license expires Feb. 8, 2030, and Unit 2’s on Feb. 2, 2033.
The NRC’s review of the license renewal application consists of a safety review and an
environmental review. The draft report is part of the NRC’s environmental review and is
available on the NRC’s website. The final environmental report is anticipated to be issued in
spring 2024.
The NRC staff will hold two public meetings on the draft report. An in-person meeting
will be Dec. 7 from 7-9 p.m. Central time, at the Somervell County Expo Center, 202 Bo Gibbs
Blvd., W. Hwy 67 in Glen Rose. The staff will hold an open house from 6-7 p.m. Central time
for informal discussions. The date of a virtual meeting will be announced soon. As part of these
meetings, the staff will describe the environmental review process and accept comments from the
public on the draft report.
Members of the public can also submit comments three other ways: online at, under Docket ID NRC-2022-0183; email to; or by U.S. mail
to Office of Administration, Mail Stop TWFN-7-A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555-0001. The deadline for submitting comments is Dec. 18.
The Comanche Peak license renewal application is available on the NRC website and can
be viewed at either the Somervell County Library, 108 Allen Drive in Glen Rose, or the Hood
County Library, 222 N Travis St. in Granbury, Texas. General information about reactor license
renewal is available on the NRC website.