Downtime is the main enemy of Oil and Gas operations. Leading to the loss of barrel production and, therefore, lost revenue. In offshore operations, corrosion is one of the biggest integrity concerns, with the annual cost estimated at US$1,372 billion. But what if an AI-driven solution could autonomously detect corrosion, and predict the degradation process of assets, avoiding downtimes? This is the objective of the Digital Fabric Maintenance application, developed by Vidya Technology - an experienced company, that just began its operations in Houston.
The DFM has been implemented with optimal results in more than 15 offshore units, with clients such as MODEC, Petrobras, Equinor, 3R Petroleum, and Altera Ocyan. The solution unites Artificial Intelligence capabilities, such as AI Computer Vision with reality capture to autonomously identify and classify anomalies, such as pitting, potential discontinuities, and corrosion in a 3D model.
In a 3-step workflow, People on Board (PoB) is only required during the reality capture, completed in just 6 days. Subsequently, the images are processed by AI Computer Vision, delivering maintenance plans, heatmaps on 3D models, and dashboards within 30 days. These plans cover components, affected area footage, areas to be painted, locations, and risk analysis, attaining an auditable and traceable coating process.
"We transform images into results for the maintenance of industrial assets, leading to a safer, more sustainable, and efficient operation." Otavio Correa - CEO of Vidya Technology
The solution's optimal results and rapid implementation brought attention to the company in the last couple of years. In the ATCE Energy Competition 2022, promoted by SPE in Houston, Vidya Technology received 2 international awards. Additionally, at the beginning of 2023, the Digital Fabric Maintenance Solution was a finalist at the Materials and Performance - Corrosion Innovation Award, an initiative of the AMPP, formerly NACE.
In that way, with the implementation of the Digital Fabric Maintenance application, Vidya significantly reduces the number of People on Board, optimizes the turnover of the inspection and maintenance cycles, and prevents potential failures in critical systems.