Petrobras informs that the Extraordinary General Meeting held yesterday (11/30) deliberated and approved, by majority, the following.
I. Reform of Petrobras' Bylaws and consequent consolidation of the Bylaws, in order to amend articles 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, 40, 43 and 56 in accordance with the Management's proposal and also including:
Reform of Petrobras' Bylaws in order to change the caput of article 21 in the form of the vote of the Brazilian Government and the remainder of this article in the form of the Management’s proposal, with the wording of the caput of said article having been approved in the following terms: “Art. . 21- The investiture in a management position at the Company will observe the conditions imposed by art. 147 and complemented by those provided for in art. 162 of the Corporation Law, as well as those provided for in the Nomination Policy, in Law No. 13,303, of June 30, 2016 and in Decree No. 8,945, of December 27, 2016. For the investiture, the Company will consider the hypotheses of material conflict and, in the case of formal conflict of interests, only those expressly provided for by law."
Reform of Petrobras' Bylaws in order to amend §3 of article 44 in the form of the vote of the Brazilian Government and the remainder of this article in the form of the Management’s proposal, with the wording of §3 of said article having been approved in the following terms: “§3 - The members of the Fiscal Council will be invested in their positions from the date of their respective election, however, for registration purposes, they must sign a term of office in the book of minutes and opinions of the Fiscal Council, which will include: (i) the subscription to the Term of Consent of the Members of the Fiscal Council in accordance with the provisions of the Level 2 Regulation, as well as compliance with the applicable legal requirements, and (ii) consent to the terms of the arbitration clause referred to in art. 59 of this Statute."
As communicated to the market on 11/30/2023, the Company will comply with the decision made by the Reporting Minister of the Federal Court of Auditors (“TCU”) within the scope of process TC 037.414/2023-2.