EBRD Helps Develop Kazakhstan’s Major Logistical Hub

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 12/27/2023, Location: Asia

- EBRD lends US$ 40 million to Eastcomtrans
- Private rolling stock operator to upgrade logistical hub, renew rail cars
- Greater sustainability of cargo traffic through the Trans-Caspian Corridor

To address the issue of bottlenecks along the Trans-Caspian corridor, identified in a study on sustainable transport connections between Europe and Central Asia, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing funds to support the development of modern logistical infrastructure.

The Bank’s loan of up to US$ 40 million to Kazakhstan’s largest private rolling stock operator, Eastcomtrans, will help expand its container handling capacity at one of the most congested junctions near the city of Almaty and ensure uninterrupted operation of its railway park.

Eastcomtrans, the Bank’s client since 2014 and owner of 8 per cent of the country’s total rolling stock, will use the funds, which will be available both in US dollars and Kazakh tenge, to further develop its Zhetygen logistical centre, acquire up to 250 new rail cars and maintain its existing stock.

Situated near the country’s largest municipality and close to the Chinese border, the upgraded logistical hub will serve as an important junction on the Trans-Caspian Corridor and add to the fluidity of cargo traffic across Kazakhstan. With trade volumes, particularly container traffic, between Asia and Europe expected to rise, it will be able to meet growing demand for freight transit.

As part of the project, Eastcomtrans will develop an equal opportunities strategy to increase women’s employment in currently male-dominated occupations and improve access to accredited training for both young women and men.

With over €10 billion invested in the country to date through 313 projects, Kazakhstan is the EBRD’s largest and longest-running banking operation in Central Asia.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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