The introduction of gas into the Tango Floating Liquefied Natural Gas
(FLNG) facility moored in Congolese waters has begun.
Following completion of the commissioning phase, Tango FLNG will produce its first LNG cargo by the first
quarter of 2024, placing the Republic of Congo on the list of LNG-producing countries. The introduction of
gas was completed in record time – only twelve months after the final investment decision. This is a key
milestone for the Congo LNG project, which encompasses the adoption of new technologies and a strong
synergy with existing producing assets.
The Tango FLNG facility has a liquefaction capacity of about 1 billion cubic meters per year (BCMA) and is
moored alongside the Excalibur Floating Storage Unit (FSU), using an innovative configuration called "split
mooring," implemented here for the first time in a floating LNG terminal.
EXMAR has built and formerly owned Tango FLNG, provides the Excalibur FSU on a long-term charter and
will be in charge for the operations of the new LNG terminal.
Congo LNG will enhance the gas resources of the Marine XII permit and achieve approximately 4.5 BCMA
of plateau gas liquefaction capacity through phased development and with a target of zero routine gas