Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute (AFVi) is excited to introduce its first comprehensive safety training course for propane-powered fleet vehicles.
Propane is a clean-burning alternative fuel that offers significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, making it a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious fleet operations. But like all fuels, it requires its own set of rules and regulations for safe and efficient use. To that end, AFVi's new training, available through its on-demand e-learning platform, is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of technicians and fleet managers who are responsible for propane engines and fuel systems — all while ensuring the safety of their teams and the general public.
Participants can expect an in-depth exploration of propane vehicle essentials and safety best practices, to include instruction on:
The properties and characteristics of propane compared to gasoline and diesel engines and fuel systems.
The components of a propane vehicle fuel system, and how they operate.
The important relationship between temperature and pressure with regard to propane fuel storage.
The safety procedures unique to propane vehicles, fueling stations, and methods of depressurizing/defueling.
The ultimate goal for AFVi's new course is threefold: 1) empower technicians to make informed decisions for safely maintaining propane vehicles and fuel systems; 2) optimize fleet operations; and 3) reduce vehicle downtime and maintenance costs.