Tokyo Gas Started Research on Ammonia Utilization in the Heat Field

Source: 2/26/2024, Location: Asia

Tokai National University Organization Gifu University (President: Kazuhiro Yoshida, hereinafter "Gifu University"), Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (President: Shinichi Sasayama, hereinafter "Tokyo Gas"), Miura Industries Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Daisuke Miyauchi, hereinafter "Miura has recently begun research and development on the use of ammonia in the field of industrial heat utilization (hereinafter referred to as "this research and development"). This

Research and development is based on the research and development theme “ Ammonia. We will work on the development of industrial furnaces and once-through boilers that use ammonia as fuel, which is expected to be a decarbonized energy and hydrogen carrier that can be implemented in society at an early stage. Ammonia as a fuel does not generate CO 2 when burned , and is advantageous in transportation and storage. However, it is difficult to burn due to its narrow flammable range and slow combustion rate, and the NO 2 produced during combustion. Suppression of x (nitrogen oxides) is a technical barrier to introduction in the industrial field. In this research and development, we will work to resolve technological barriers by using ammonia-hydrogen-nitrogen mixed gas produced by reforming ammonia as fuel. Going forward, we aim to establish the optimal combustion method from an economic and environmental perspective by 2025, and to develop demonstration equipment for industrial furnaces and once-through boilers by 2027. In addition, Gifu University, Mitsubishi Kakoki Co., Ltd., and Resonac Co., Ltd. will collaborate with the combustor reformer unit, which is being researched and developed *4 , to build an optimal total system.

Going forward, the three parties will use the results obtained through this research and development to further accelerate the development of technologies for decarbonization and contribute to the government's goal of "realizing a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society by 2050." I will continue to do so.

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