SRP Board of Directors Approves More Ambitious Sustainability Goals

Source: 3/4/2024, Location: North America

The SRP Board of Directors approved revisions to SRP’s 2035 Sustainability Goals that establish more ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency and electrification, conserve water and improve forest health.

The newly revised goals include:
• Reduce the amount of CO2 emitted by generation (per megawatt hour, or MWh) by 82% from 2005 levels by 2035 and achieve net-zero carbon by 2050.
• Deliver over 4 million MWh of annual aggregate energy savings through energy efficiency by 2035.
• Support adoption of 1 million electric vehicles (EVs) in SRP’s service territory and manage 90% of EV charging by 2035.
• Achieve 30% reduction in generation-related water use intensity across all water types from 2005 baseline.
• Increase SRP's leadership role in forest restoration treatments through partnerships, influence, education and support for industry to thin 800,000 acres total by 2035.

The comprehensive set of SRP 2035 Sustainability Goals is focused on reducing SRP’s carbon footprint, ensuring a resilient water supply, evolving SRP’s grid and customer energy solutions, promoting a sustainable supply chain, reducing waste, and engaging the customers and communities SRP serves. While these goals are focused on advancing sustainability, they, along with SRP’s broader 2035 Goals, serve an important role in supporting the long-term reliability and affordability of the water and power SRP customers depend on.

Originally approved in 2019, the goals are updated every five years to ensure they continue to meet the evolving needs of the customers and communities SRP serves. The revised goals reflect recent input from the public and a broad range of stakeholders, including local municipalities, businesses, environmental organizations, limited income advocates and others.

“We are pleased with the progress SRP has made towards meeting our sustainability goals and that we are in a position to be even more ambitious in many of the goals. The goals incorporate sustainability into all aspects of our business and will lead us to further innovate, partner and challenge the status quo as we work to deliver reliable, affordable and sustainable water and power in one of the fastest-growing areas of the nation,” said Bobby Olsen, SRP Associate General Manager and Chief Planning, Strategy and Sustainability Executive. “We appreciate the many organizations, customers and individuals who took part in the process to share their perspectives and provide feedback on our 2035 Sustainability Goals to ensure they continue to meet the needs of our current and future customers.”

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