12/20/2024 - Peab has been commissioned to build a new pump station with pressure lines for the Ekeby Wastewater Treatment Plant in Eskilstuna. The customer is Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö AB and the contract is wo... |
9/17/2024 - Alfa Laval has received an order to replace 18 ballast water treatment systems (BWMS) onboard vessels belonging to a major European shipowner. This significant order shows the high demand for the repl... |
5/29/2024 - Rejlers has entered into an extensive collaboration with the Käppala Association to modernise the Käppala plant on Lidingö and increase its capacity. The project will run until 2028 and is expected to... |
5/22/2023 - As the EU prepares to ratify its revised Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive in 2024, Alfa Laval is providing solutions to meet the new standards. The company's latest installation in Norway will sho... |
2/7/2023 - Sustainable solutions provider Perstorp has added new corporate sustainability targets, for water and waste, to its sustainability strategy. Its long-term sustainability ambition is to become Finite M... |