12/3/2024 - - Drilling and testing of the PC-01 exploration well have concluded - Testing of the Bekasap formation did not yield hydrocarbons - The decision was made to plug and abandon the PC-01 wel... |
5/13/2024 - Mubadala Energy, the international energy company headquartered in Abu Dhabi and the operator of the South Andaman Gross Split PSC, announced another substantial gas discovery from the Tangkulo-1 Expl... |
1/31/2024 - Conrad Asia Energy Ltd (ASX: CRD) (“Conrad”), an ASX-listed Asia-focused natural gas exploration and
development company, is pleased to provide an overview of activities for
the quarter ending 31 D... |
12/19/2023 - Mubadala Energy, the international energy company headquartered in Abu Dhabi, announced a significant gas discovery from the Layaran-1 Exploration well, drilled in South Andaman, about 100 kilometres ... |
7/21/2023 - PT Pertamina (Persero) has achieved a historic milestone in Indonesia's oil and gas upstream sector by conducting the first exploration drilling in the Duri Field of Rokan Block using Unconventional D... |
1/6/2023 - Highlights - As foreshadowed in recent releases, Conrad signed two new Production Sharing Contracts (“PSCs”) for offshore northwest and southwest Aceh, where Conrad will operate and hold a 100% ... |
6/24/2022 - A Production Sharing Contract (PSC) has been signed with PETRONAS North Ketapang Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of PETRONAS, for the North Ketapang Block, which is situated onshore and offshore East Java, In... |
6/20/2022 - bp has signed the 30-year Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) for Agung l and Agung ll exploration blocks with the government of Indonesia, following the decision to award the two gas blocks to bp on t... |
3/18/2022 - PC Ketapang II Ltd., a subsidiary of PETRONAS, has won the North Ketapang block, located onshore and offshore East Java, during the second round of the Indonesia Petroleum Bid Round 2021. ... |
1/23/2022 - Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company, k.s.c.c. (“KUFPEC”) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary KUFPEC Indonesia (Anambas) B.V. (“KUFPEC Indonesia”) has successfully made a c... |
9/23/2021 - Harbour Energy plc announces its half-year results for the period ended 30 June 2021. Financial and operational performance is provided on a reported basis with Premier Oil’s portfolio included from 3... |
8/26/2021 - Empyrean Energy is pleased to announce its final results for the year ended 31 March 2021. The full Report and Accounts will be made available on the Company's website in the coming days. ... |
6/17/2021 - Eni, through its subsidiary Eni Indonesia, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SKK Migas for cooperation on exploration activities in Indonesia. The MoU defines the framework for further coopera... |
6/17/2021 - Government of Indonesia opens the oil and gas working areas bid round after being postponed in 2020 due to the world crude oil price fluctuation and the Covid-19 pandemic. The government has taken eff... |
2/24/2021 - PETRONAS through its subsidiary, PC North Madura II Ltd., has made an oil discovery at the Hidayah-1 exploration well, located within the North Madura II Production Sharing Contract (PSC), offshore Ea... |
1/21/2021 - NuEnergy Gas has received an Acknowledgement Letter (AL) from Indonesia’s Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities ('SKK Migas') that: i) confirms the discovery of na... |
2/19/2019 - Repsol and partners PETRONAS and MOECO have made the largest gas find in Indonesia in 18 years. The discovery is also among the ten largest finds worldwide in the last 12 months. The KBD-2X well in So... |
11/13/2018 - JV partner Cue Energy Resources has advised that three Drill Stem Tests (DSTs) will be undertaken within the primary objective Mundu Formation in thePaus Biru-1 exploration well. The results of the ex... |
8/3/2018 - Empyrean Energy, the oil and gas development company with interests in China, Indonesia and the United States, has been informed by Conrad, its partner in the Duyung PSC, offshore Natuna Basin - Indon... |
7/12/2018 - Premier Oil has provided an update on recent operational activities and guidance in respect of its half year financials to 30 June 2018. ... |