1/5/2022 - Optimizing long lead times and urgent deadlines Lifting plugs are safety-critical components designed to act as the junction between the rig elevator and the pipes. They are used on the rig’s sur... |
11/15/2011 - Buccaneer Energy Limited is pleased to advise that the Company’s 50% owned subsidiary Kenai Offshore Ventures, LLC (KOV) has overnight in London completed the acquisition of the GSF Adriatic XI offsho... |
6/6/2011 - KCA DEUTAG announced that it has been selected by Woodside Energy as one of two drilling contractors to carry out a major Front End Engineering Design (FEED) contract relating to a 3,000HP Modular Pla... |
6/5/2011 - The Atwood Osprey, Chevron's newly contracted ultra-deepwater semisubmersible drilling rig, has arrived in the waters off northwest Australia. Constructed in the Jurong Shipyard in Singapore, the rig ... |