11/12/2024 - BluSky Carbon Inc. (“BluSky” or the “Company”), an innovative entry into the carbon removal clean technology sector, is pleased to announce that it has executed a preliminary joint venture agreement w... |
10/3/2024 - The National Petroleum Corporation of
Namibia, NAMCOR, is pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of
understanding (MOU) with global energy technology company SLB. This agreement
marks a si... |
12/4/2023 - The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC; Governor: HAYASHI Nobumitsu) signed on December 2 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises of the Rep... |
9/4/2023 - Despite the call heard ’round the world commanding the global business community to divest from fossil fuels and shrink their carbon footprints in the name of net zero, international oil companies (IO... |
5/16/2023 - The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with the University of Namibia has trained 71 national experts on energy modeling tools to build efficient energy systems as Africa intensifie... |
5/3/2023 - AW-Energy, a leader in near-shore wave energy technology, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Kaoko Green Energy Solutions (Pty) Ltd in Namibia. The MOU is devoted to the de... |
4/27/2023 - Day 2 of NIEC 2023 featured a panel discussion focusing on Namibia’s energy transition strategy and its potential to serve as a sustainable energy capital on the continent. The Namibia Inte... |