9/3/2024 - In 2021, CEF Energy was extended with a cross-border renewable energy (CB RES) window. The scope of the CB RES programme covers renewable energy projects that involve a physical or non-physical cross-... |
9/2/2024 - The Commission adopted 4 guidance documents to support EU countries' work in transposing and implementing the revised directives on renewable energy and energy efficiency into national law. ... |
6/25/2024 - The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has entered into a landmark collaborative partnership with Africa50, the pan-African infrastructure investor and asset management group. As part of th... |
4/4/2024 - The General Meeting of Shareholders of Ence – Energy and Pulp has endorsed the Group’s commitment to growth and diversification in its pulp production and renewable energy generation businesses. |
1/23/2024 - Ence’s pulp biofactories in Navia (Asturias) and Pontevedra jointly generated in 2023 about 750,000 MWh of renewable energy from biomass in its turbines. This renewable energy generated in the company... |
1/10/2024 - Ence’s pulp biofactories, in Pontevedra and Navia (Asturias), together received more than 800 visitors throughout 2023. These people were able to learn, first-hand, how the pulp production processes a... |
12/19/2023 - BPC Instruments AB (“BPC” or the “Company”), has received three consecutive purchase orders from an Austrian company for supporting the technology and business development in transforming waste into b... |
11/13/2023 - On 30 November 2016 the European Commission presented a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition changes global energy markets. The Commissi... |
7/14/2023 - Austria and Slovenia submitted two requests to the Commission to modify their respective recovery and resilience plans, to which they also want to add REPowerEU chapters. Austria Austria... |
6/19/2023 - The OPEC Fund for International Development (the OPEC Fund) signed an agreement with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to join the Energy Transition Accelerator Financing (ETAF) platfo... |
5/16/2023 - Samsung Engineering, one of the world’s leading engineering, procurement, construction, and project management (EPC&PM) companies and OMV, the international, integrated energy, fuels & feedstock and c... |
5/12/2023 - Finnish company Joensuu Biocoal Oy will use innovative technology from Austria to produce renewable alternatives to fossil coal. The pioneering project demonstrates a potential solution to the industr... |
9/14/2022 - - The two companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) for the next 8 years - The MoU enables Ryanair to purchase up to 160,000 tons of S... |
9/13/2022 - - Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to supply a total of more than 800,000 tons Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) between 2023 and 2030 - Cooperation to include new locations and new SAF productio... |
8/10/2022 - - The EU bank is providing UniCredit Bank Austria with a framework loan of up to €92 million. - The long-term loan supports Austria’s goal of generating 100% of electricity from renewables by 203... |
6/7/2021 - RIDDLE&CODE Energy Solutions, a subsidiary firm of the leading European blockchain interface company RIDDLE&CODE, together with the largest energy provider in Austria, Wien Energie, have announced the... |
7/15/2008 - The EU felt the heat of its preset mandate for biofuel through a strong hike in food prices. The EU dropped its mandate of biofuel of a 10% mix of transport fuel by the end of the next decade which wa... |
5/15/2008 - Europe’s recent biofuel subsidy initiative has resulted in a shortage of food commodities which, in turn, forced the EU to relax its laws and let farmers increase cultivation. This movement not only l... |
4/15/2008 - As was agreed among EU members, Germany is already working on a plan to increase the ethanol blend in gasoline to 10% from 5% which will commence next year. The EU plans to adopt a similar policy by 2... |
2/15/2008 - As a result of international pressure, the EU is proposing new strict rules to govern the biofuel industry. The EU has since long been accused that its mandate to have a minimum of 10% of its energy u... |