Renewable Energy News in Austria

CINEA launches 4th call for cross-border renewable energy projects (CB RES) to obtain the status
9/3/2024 - In 2021, CEF Energy was extended with a cross-border renewable energy (CB RES) window. The scope of the CB RES programme covers renewable energy projects that involve a physical or non-physical cross-...
Commission adopts guidance to EU countries on renewable energy
9/2/2024 - The Commission adopted 4 guidance documents to support EU countries' work in transposing and implementing the revised directives on renewable energy and energy efficiency into national law.

Africa50 Joins IRENA’s ETAF Platform to Accelerate Renewable Energy Deployment in Africa
6/25/2024 - The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has entered into a landmark collaborative partnership with Africa50, the pan-African infrastructure investor and asset management group. As part of th...
Ence reaffirms its commitment to growth and diversification in Pulp and Renewable Energies
4/4/2024 - The General Meeting of Shareholders of Ence – Energy and Pulp has endorsed the Group’s commitment to growth and diversification in its pulp production and renewable energy generation businesses.
Ence’s biofactories generated enough renewable energy in 2023
1/23/2024 - Ence’s pulp biofactories in Navia (Asturias) and Pontevedra jointly generated in 2023 about 750,000 MWh of renewable energy from biomass in its turbines. This renewable energy generated in the company...
Ence’s Biofactories Received more than 800 Visitors in 2023
1/10/2024 - Ence’s pulp biofactories, in Pontevedra and Navia (Asturias), together received more than 800 visitors throughout 2023. These people were able to learn, first-hand, how the pulp production processes a...
BPC secures orders from an Austrian engineering company
12/19/2023 - BPC Instruments AB (“BPC” or the “Company”), has received three consecutive purchase orders from an Austrian company for supporting the technology and business development in transforming waste into b...
Commission proposes new rules for consumer centred clean energy transition
11/13/2023 - On 30 November 2016 the European Commission presented a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition changes global energy markets.

The Commissi...
Austria & Slovenia Submit Requests to Revise Recovery and Resilience Plans
7/14/2023 - Austria and Slovenia submitted two requests to the Commission to modify their respective recovery and resilience plans, to which they also want to add REPowerEU chapters.

OPEC Fund Partners with IRENA to Accelerate Energy Transition Financing
6/19/2023 - The OPEC Fund for International Development (the OPEC Fund) signed an agreement with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to join the Energy Transition Accelerator Financing (ETAF) platfo...
Samsung & OMV Sign MoU to Jointly Develop Sustainable Projects Based on Modularization
5/16/2023 - Samsung Engineering, one of the world’s leading engineering, procurement, construction, and project management (EPC&PM) companies and OMV, the international, integrated energy, fuels & feedstock and c...
POLYTECHNIK Supplies Technology for the Largest Industrial Torrefaction Plant in Europe
5/12/2023 - Finnish company Joensuu Biocoal Oy will use innovative technology from Austria to produce renewable alternatives to fossil coal. The pioneering project demonstrates a potential solution to the industr...
OMV and RYANAIR Sign MoU to Supply 160,000 tons Sustainable Aviation Fuel
9/14/2022 - - The two companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) for the next 8 years
- The MoU enables Ryanair to purchase up to 160,000 tons of S...
OMV and Lufthansa Group Further Strengthen Partnership with SAF
9/13/2022 - - Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to supply a total of more than 800,000 tons Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) between 2023 and 2030
- Cooperation to include new locations and new SAF productio...
EIB and UniCredit Bank Austria to Invest in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
8/10/2022 - - The EU bank is providing UniCredit Bank Austria with a framework loan of up to €92 million.
- The long-term loan supports Austria’s goal of generating 100% of electricity from renewables by 203...
Wien Energie & RIDDLE&CODE Tokenize Energy Assets to Turn Consumers Into Prosumers
6/7/2021 - RIDDLE&CODE Energy Solutions, a subsidiary firm of the leading European blockchain interface company RIDDLE&CODE, together with the largest energy provider in Austria, Wien Energie, have announced the...
Alternative Fuels Update
7/15/2008 - The EU felt the heat of its preset mandate for biofuel through a strong hike in food prices. The EU dropped its mandate of biofuel of a 10% mix of transport fuel by the end of the next decade which wa...
Alternative Fuels Update
5/15/2008 - Europe’s recent biofuel subsidy initiative has resulted in a shortage of food commodities which, in turn, forced the EU to relax its laws and let farmers increase cultivation. This movement not only l...
Alternative Fuels Update
4/15/2008 - As was agreed among EU members, Germany is already working on a plan to increase the ethanol blend in gasoline to 10% from 5% which will commence next year. The EU plans to adopt a similar policy by 2...
Alternative Fuels Update
2/15/2008 - As a result of international pressure, the EU is proposing new strict rules to govern the biofuel industry. The EU has since long been accused that its mandate to have a minimum of 10% of its energy u...

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