1/11/2024 - Capital Bank has announced the successful completion of the final phase in transitioning all its buildings to renewable energy sources, underscoring its significant commitment to sustainability and en... |
12/6/2022 - • EBRD, EU and GCF launch the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) in Jordan • Programme to boost private-sector investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy, water and resource efficien... |
12/3/2022 - Jordan and Norway have agreed to sign several memorandums of understanding for cooperation in the fields of green hydrogen, renewable energy, and oil and gas exploration, according to Minister of Ene... |
11/17/2022 - - MoU signed by UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, Special Envoy for Climate Change and Chairman of Masdar, and Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on sidelines of COP27 ... |
5/24/2022 - Amman, May 23 -- Specialists who participated in a workshop organized by the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Fund on Monday discussed the results of the fund's study and evaluation of the fun... |
10/22/2016 - Masdar Signs Framework Agreement with Jordan to Accelerate Renewable Energy Development. The agreement was signed during the sixth World Future Energy Summit (WFES), a global platform that addresses t... |