12/19/2024 - Ocean services provider DeepOcean takes 100% ownership of the pipeline repair and subsea intervention (PRSI Pool Services) contract with Equinor, formerly operated in a Joint Venture (JV) between Deep... |
5/17/2024 - Find our team on stand 9 at Grieghallen in Bergen, Norway 11th – 13th June 2024 Our experts will be on hand to discuss our specialisms in MORGRIP® Subsea Pipeline Connectors & Clamps, Deep... |
2/15/2024 - Norwegian Diving Contractor, SubseaPartner, has secured a long-term frame agreement with Equinor for Diving lntervention Services. The frame agreement centers on contingency preparedness fo... |
4/4/2023 - Our team in Leeds journeyed to Norway to undertake hardware and software installation, testing, and upgrades relating to our customer’s subsea Pipeline Repair Systems (PRS). Over two separate... |
12/2/2020 - CSS Isotek, the electro-mechanical division of Connector Subsea Solutions, have successfully completed a client witnessed factory acceptance test of a new 32” remote welding preheat system, the fourth... |
2/29/2012 - Technip was awarded two subsea contracts under the Diving Frame Contract with Statoil, for the Asgard and Gudrun & Valemon projects. The total value of the contracts is around €45 million. The Asgard ... |