Acquisitions and Divestitures News in Guinea Bissau

PetroNor Announces Farm-out of Exploration Licences in Guinea-Bissau for up to $85M
6/27/2023 - PetroNor E&P AB, a wholly owned subsidiary of PetroNor E&P ASA (“PetroNor”), has today entered into a binding agreement to farm-out 100 per cent of its participating interest in the two exploration ...
Guinea Bissau Withdrawal
3/15/2022 - FAR Limited has commenced steps to withdraw from its interests in the Esperanca Blocks 4A & 5A and Sinapa Block 2 offshore Guinea Bissau. FAR has provided its notices of withdrawal to the Government o...
PetroNor Provides Guinea-Bissau Update
4/26/2021 - PetroNor, the independent oil and gas exploration and production company with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa, provides the following update on its purchase of SPE Guinea Bissau AB, as announced on 20 N...
Svenska Reaches Farm-Down Agreement with CNOOC
8/5/2019 - SPE Guinea Bissau AB (“Svenska GB”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Svenska Petroleum Exploration AB, Sweden, is the Operator of Block 2, the Sinapa Licence, and Blocks 4A & 5A, the Esperança Licence, o...
FAR Awarded Additional Equity & Improved Deep Water Terms
8/25/2017 - FAR Limited has received official confirmation that the increase in equity and amendments to the Guinea-Bissau licences announced on 4 April 2017, have been approved by Government Decree. ...
GeoPartners & Petroguin to Accelerate Development Offshore Guinea Bissau
6/8/2017 - Bissau Exploration Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of UK based GeoPartners, has announced the signing a joint venture participation agreement between themselves and A Empresa Nacional de Pesquisa e...
FAR Awarded Additional Equity in Guinea-Bissau Licences
4/4/2017 - Negotiations have concluded with the National oil company of Guinea-Bissau, Petroguin, to revise the terms of both the Sinapa and Esperanca Licences to which FAR Limited has interests. Under the revis...
Simba Signs Farmout Letter of Intent for Guinea Blocks 1 & 2
1/28/2014 - Simba Energy Inc has signed an exclusive Letter of Intent (LOI) to farmout its Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for Blocs 1 & 2 in onshore Guinea with a private investor group (the Investor Group) ba...
Rocksource Signs Farm-in agreement in West Africa with Ophir Energy
9/8/2008 - Rocksource ASA signed a farm-in agreement with Ophir Energy, allowing Rocksource to complete a staged entry into the AGC Profond Production Sharing Contract (PSC) covering the deepwater area administe...
Premier Farms Out Licences and Applies for New Licences in Guinea Bissau
12/12/2003 - Premier announced that it has reached agreement with Occidental Petroleum Corporation to farm out 40% of its 100% paying interest in Blocks 2, 4A and 5A (the Sinapa and Esperanca blocks) offshore Guin...

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