LNG Terminal News in Brazil

DP World and Rumo to Build New Grain and Fertilizer Terminal at Brazil’s Santos
4/3/2024 - DP World has joined forces with Brazilian railway operator Rumo to build a new terminal at the Port of Santos, to handle 12.5 million tonnes a year of grains and fertilizers, positioning the port as B...
New Fortress Energy Places Terminal Gas Sul LNG Terminal
3/1/2024 - New Fortress Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: NFE) (“NFE”) announced that its Terminal Gas Sul (“TGS”) LNG terminal located in Santa Catarina, Brazil, is now operational with the Energos Winter Floating Storage ...
NFE Places Terminal Gas Sul LNG Terminal in Brazil into Operation
3/1/2024 - New Fortress Energy, Inc. (Nasdaq: NFE) (“NFE” or the “Company”) today announced that its Terminal Gas Sul (“TGS”) LNG terminal located in Santa Catarina, Brazil, is now operational with the Energos W...
New Fortress Energy Places Barcarena LNG Terminal in Pará, Brazil into Operation
2/29/2024 - New Fortress Energy Inc. (Nasdaq: NFE) (“NFE” or the “Company”) today announced that its 6 MTPA (300 TBtu) Barcarena LNG terminal located in Pará, Brazil is now operational with the Energos Celsius Fl...
APM Terminals a Step Closer to Realizing Brazil’s First 100% Electrified Terminal
10/17/2023 - APM Terminals Suape received approval from Brazil’s National Waterway Transport Agency to change its cargo profile, enabling the terminal to operate containerized cargo and expand the area to be used ...
APM Terminals Wins Auction for UPI-B Cais Sul Bid, Confirms Investments in Suape
8/19/2022 - The court of Ipojuca has confirmed APM Terminals, a company of A.P. Moller – Maersk, as the official winner of the judicial auction for the acquisition of an Isolated Productive Unit (UPI-B Cais Sul) ...
APM Terminals Itajaí Resumes Ro-Ro Operations with BMW Group Brazil
3/16/2022 - With the docking of the Florida Highway ship, owned by K-Line, on 15 March 2022, roll-on roll-off (RoRo) operations returned to APM Terminals Itajaí. More than 460 premium segment vehicles from BMW Gr...
FSRU Charter with Terminal de Regaseificação de GNL de São Paulo S.A., Brazil
12/28/2021 - Hoegh LNG Holdings Ltd. has completed and signed all documentation for a 10-year FSRU charter with Terminal de Regaseificação de GNL de São Paulo S.A. (“TSRP”). This concludes the agreements for the b...
Excelerate Energy Initiates Operations at the Bahia LNG Terminal
12/9/2021 - Excelerate Energy L.P. announced that on December 8, 2021 it started natural gas deliveries to the Brazilian market at the Bahia Regasification Terminal (TR-BA) in Salvador, Bahia. Excelerate’s floati...
Petrobras on the Lease of the Bahia LNG Terminal
12/6/2021 - Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed on 09/28/21, informs that it has signed the Instrument of Acceptance provided for in the contract and transferred, this Saturday (12/04), the operation...
KN Becomes Operator of 2 Commissioned LNG Terminals
10/5/2021 - Since Gas Natural Açu (GNA) LNG-to-power project has launched commercial operations, KN became an operator of the two fully operational LNG terminals worldwide. The opening ceremony of the GNA LNG ter...
Petrobras Signs Contract for the Leasing of Bahia LNG Terminal
9/28/2021 - Petrobras, following the release disclosed on August 26, 2021, has signed with Excelerate Energy Comercializadora de Gás Natural Ltda. (Excelerate) the lease contract of the LNG Regasification Termina...
Petrobras Starts Process for Access to Pecem LNG Regasification Terminal
9/17/2021 - Petrobras published the call for the exceptional access process to the Liquefied Natural Gas Regasification Terminal in Pecem, Ceara (TR-PECEM), and its associated facilities. ...
Excelerate Collaborates with Petrobras & Brazilian Regulators for Energy Needs
8/26/2021 - Excelerate Energy L.P. (Excelerate) announced that it has successfully concluded with Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) the negotiation stage of the tender process for the lease of Bahia Regasifica...
Petrobras Announces LNG Regasification Terminal Lease
8/26/2021 - Petrobras informs, regarding the leasing process of the LNG Regasification Terminal of Bahia (TR-BA) and associated facilities, that the stage of verification of the effectiveness of the commercial pr...
Petrobras on LNG Regasification Terminal Leasing
6/21/2021 - Petrobras, following up on the releases disclosed on 10/01/2021 and 04/16/2021 informs that on 06/14/2021, a public session was held to open the commercial proposals of the bidders interested in leasi...
Petrobras on Leasing of the LNG Regasification Terminal
4/16/2021 - Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed on October 1, 2020, informs that it published the Call for the second bidding process to lease the Bahia LNG Regasification Terminal (TR-BA) and associ...
Hygo Executes MOU with GdP to Use Barcarena Terminal
10/15/2020 - Golar LNG Limited, announced that an affiliate of Hygo Energy Transition Limited (“Hygo”) executed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Companhia de Gás do Pará (“GdP”). The MOU is a result of H...
Petrobras on Leasing of the LNG Regasification Terminal
10/1/2020 - Petrobras, following up on the releases disclosed on 08/03/2020 and 09/29/2020, informs that on September 30, 2020, the Public Session was held in person to open the commercial bids of the bidders int...
Petrobras on Leasing of the LNG Regasification Terminal
9/29/2020 - Petrobras, in response to Official Letter 7132/2020/CGAA4/SGA1/SG/CADE, dated September 29, 2020, and further to the notice disclosed on August 3, 2020 about the lease of the LNG Regasification Termin...

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