5/3/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published its annual report to Congress for
fiscal year 2023 on abnormal occurrences involving medical and industrial uses of radioactive
material. El... |
5/2/2024 - A Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will conduct an
oral argument May 20 on an adjudicatory hearing petition concerning Virginia Electric and
Power Co.’s request for an... |
5/2/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published the final supplemental environmental
impact statement for renewing the operating licenses of the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power
Plant, near Glen Rose, Te... |
4/30/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will discuss the 2023 safety performance of the
Monticello nuclear power plant during a hybrid public meeting May 7. The plant, in Monticello,
Minnesota, is opera... |
4/29/2024 - Bechtel, the engineering, procurement, and construction company under contract to help complete construction on Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4 in Waynesboro, Georgia, congratulates Georgia Power and South... |
4/29/2024 - Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) ("Nuclear Fuels") mobilized two drills for the second phase of its 200 hole drill program at the Kaycee Project in Wyoming's Powder River Basin. In 2023, 89... |
4/29/2024 - the second U.S.-based Gen III+ advanced nuclear Westinghouse AP1000® reactor entered commercial operation at Plant Vogtle, near Waynesboro, Georgia. Westinghouse congratulates Southern Company, Georgi... |
4/25/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a regulatory conference May 2 with the
Tennessee Valley Authority to discuss a proposed violation at the Sequoyah nuclear plant, in Soddy
Daisy, Tenness... |
4/25/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting April 30 to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. The four-unit plant is in
eastern Geor... |
4/25/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a regulatory conference May 2 with the
Tennessee Valley Authority to discuss a proposed violation at the Sequoyah nuclear plant, in Soddy
Daisy, Tenness... |
4/25/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting April 30 to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant. The four-unit plant is in
eastern Geor... |
4/25/2024 - Representatives from Framatome were joined today by local dignitaries to break ground on the $50 million expansion of its Mill Ridge Road facility located in Lynchburg, Va. As one of three locations i... |
4/23/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has directed the staff to issue for public comment a
proposed Generic Environmental Impact Statement rulemaking that is intended for potential use
by applicants and... |
4/23/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting April 30 to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the North Anna and Surry nuclear power plants. North Anna is
located in cent... |
4/19/2024 - Office of Nuclear Energy 4 Crucial Steps the Biden-Harris Administration is Taking to Secure a Nuclear Fuel Supply Chain Over the last several years, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken... |
4/19/2024 - Curio Legacy Ventures, Inc., a Washington DC-based company dedicated to advancing a closed fuel cycle through innovative technologies like NuCycle®, a revolutionary nuclear waste recycling technology,... |
4/19/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting April 25 to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the St. Lucie and Turkey Point nuclear power plants. St. Lucie is
located ne... |
4/18/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is announcing an opportunity for the public to
request a hearing on a license renewal application from Constellation Energy Generation, LLC,
for the Clinton Power S... |
4/18/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a public meeting April 25 to discuss the
2023 safety performance of the Edwin I. Hatch nuclear power plant. The plant, located in
southeastern Georgia, ... |
4/18/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting on April 23 to
discuss the 2023 safety performance of Duke Energy’s six nuclear power plants. The plants, spread
across the Car... |