4/19/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting April 25 to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the St. Lucie and Turkey Point nuclear power plants. St. Lucie is
located ne... |
4/19/2024 - Office of Nuclear Energy 4 Crucial Steps the Biden-Harris Administration is Taking to Secure a Nuclear Fuel Supply Chain Over the last several years, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken... |
4/18/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is announcing an opportunity for the public to
request a hearing on a license renewal application from Constellation Energy Generation, LLC,
for the Clinton Power S... |
4/18/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a public meeting April 25 to discuss the
2023 safety performance of the Edwin I. Hatch nuclear power plant. The plant, located in
southeastern Georgia, ... |
4/18/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a virtual public meeting on April 23 to
discuss the 2023 safety performance of Duke Energy’s six nuclear power plants. The plants, spread
across the Car... |
4/18/2024 - Entergy New Orleans today announced three separate agreements in principle with the New Orleans City Council. The total value provided by the three settlements is $252 million. Though separate, each s... |
4/17/2024 - The landscape of the electricity grid is rapidly evolving, driven by expanding electrification initiatives, renewable energy integration, and the decarbonization imperative. University campus microgri... |
4/17/2024 - AtkinsRéalis, a fully integrated professional services and project management company with offices around the world, opened its new $20 million AtkinsRéalis Technology Center (ATC) in Richland, Washi... |
4/16/2024 - GSE Solutions ("GSE Systems, Inc." or "GSE"), a leader in advanced engineering and workforce solutions that supports the future of clean-energy production and decarbonization initiatives of the power ... |
4/16/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a hybrid public meeting April 22 to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the Virgil C. Summer nuclear power plant. The plant, located in
Jenkinsville,... |
4/15/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued an order imposing a $17,500 civil penalty
against a Puerto Rico firm for failing to dispose of or transfer a portable nuclear gauge and complete
decommis... |
4/11/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a public meeting May 8 to discuss
the license termination process for the historic Nuclear Ship Savannah, docked in Baltimore. The meeting i... |
4/10/2024 - Holtec International is on the verge of doing something that’s never been done before in the nuclear sector: bringing a nuclear plant back to life. The company is working to repower the Pal... |
4/10/2024 - NRC will hold a hybrid public meeting to discuss the NRC’s Palisades Nuclear Plant Restart Panel’s
activities to independently assess the plant’s readiness to potentially resume operation in a way th... |
4/10/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has received a construction permit application from
TerraPower seeking permission to build the company’s Natrium nuclear power plant near
Kemmerer, Wyoming. The app... |
4/10/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has scheduled an open house for April 16 to discuss
its two-year safety performance review of the Framatome nuclear fuel fabrication facility in
Richland, Washing... |
4/8/2024 - ASP Isotopes Inc. NASDAQ: ASPI ("ASP Isotopes” or the “Company”), an advanced materials company dedicated to the development of technology and processes for the production of enriched isotopes for use... |
4/8/2024 - Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is a daunting challenge, and will require a significant expansion of clean energy sources, including nuclear power. In the short term, the bulk of nuclear n... |
4/8/2024 - Rolls-Royce announced it has secured funding from Phase 2 of the UK Space Agency’s International Bilateral Fund (IBF). The funding enables strategic research partnerships within the UK space sector an... |
4/8/2024 - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced more than $19.1 million to support nuclear energy research and development, university nuclear infrastructure, and undergraduate and graduate education. P... |