4/5/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed an $45,000 civil penalty against
International Isotopes of Idaho Falls, Idaho, for violations of NRC requirements associated with the
import and transf... |
4/4/2024 - Laser Photonics Corporation (LPC), a leading global developer of industrial laser systems for laser cleaning and other material processing applications, highlights a key application for its CleanTech ... |
4/4/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has scheduled a virtual public meeting for April 10 to
discuss its two-year safety performance review of the Westinghouse nuclear fuel fabrication facility
in Hop... |
4/1/2024 - Clean Core Thorium Energy (Clean Core) announced today that the accelerated irradiation testing and qualification of their patented ANEEL™ Fuel is set to begin in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at th... |
4/1/2024 - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released an information guide for communities considering replacing their retired or retiring coal power plants with nuclear power plants. The guide is based on a t... |
3/29/2024 - TerraPower announced the submission of its construction permit application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the NatriumTM reactor1 demonstration project. TerraPower is the first to ... |
3/29/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a final site-specific Environmental
Impact Statement – known as an EIS – for the subsequent renewal of the licenses for Turkey
Point Units 3 and 4 in Flo... |
3/27/2024 - As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through its Loan Programs Office (LPO) today announced the offer of a conditional commitment of up to $1.5... |
3/26/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has scheduled a hybrid public meeting for April 4 to
discuss its two-year safety performance review of the Honeywell uranium conversion facility in
Metropolis, Il... |
3/26/2024 - Blue Wave AI Labs successfully deployed machine learning (ML) tools at two nuclear power plants operated by Constellation, saving the company millions of dollars per reactor each year.? The... |
3/25/2024 - The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued new guidance documents to facilitate the licensing process for non-light water reactor designs. The guidance is expected to significantly reduce the... |
3/21/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced an opportunity for the public to request
a hearing on an application proposing an additional 20 years of operation for the three Browns
Ferry reactors in ... |
3/20/2024 - Westinghouse Electric Company recently reached a significant milestone by manufacturing its 1,000th fuel flow plate using Additive Manufacturing (AM). It represents an industry achievement as the firs... |
3/19/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Idaho National Laboratory are hosting a
hybrid event April 4 to kick off a coordinated effort focused on leveraging consensus codes and
standards to support... |
3/18/2024 - enCore Energy Corp. (NASDAQ: EU) (TSXV: EU) ("enCore"), a domestic uranium producer, today announced the highest grade drill results to date since drilling activities restarted from the Alta Mesa Proj... |
3/18/2024 - The fabrication process is underway for the Fortis railcar project. Fortis is one of two high-tech railcars the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is developing to help transport the nation’s spent nucle... |
3/15/2024 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold two public meetings this month to discuss
the 2023 safety performance of the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Browns Ferry, Sequoyah, and
Watts Bar nuclear ... |
3/15/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed a $9,000 civil penalty against Phoenix
Federal No. 2 Mining, the owner of a non-operational coal mine in Fairview, West Virginia, for
failing to proper... |
3/14/2024 - X-Energy Reactor Company, LLC (“X-energy” or the “Company”), a leading developer of advanced small modular nuclear reactors and fuel technology for clean energy generation, today opened the first trai... |
3/13/2024 - The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and
the United Kingdom’s Office for Nuclear Regulation have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
to collaborate on techni... |