11/14/2024 - Oklo Inc. (“Oklo”), an advanced nuclear technology company, today announced it has signed a letter of intent to acquire Atomic Alchemy Inc. (“Atomic Alchemy”), a U.S.-based company specializing in the... |
11/14/2024 - Elena Tajuelo Rodriguez, an R&D staff member in the Nuclear Structures and Construction group at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been recognized with the Mary Jane Oestma... |
11/14/2024 - Radiant Industries has completed the front-end engineering and experiment design (FEEED) phase to test a prototype of its Kaleidos microreactor at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The Kale... |
11/14/2024 - In a major step toward securing Virginia's reliable energy future, Appalachian Power announces plans to bring Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) to Virginia. Appalachian Power representatives identified a ... |
11/14/2024 - Oklo Inc. (“Oklo”), an advanced nuclear technology company, today announced it has signed a letter of intent to acquire Atomic Alchemy Inc. (“Atomic Alchemy”), a U.S.-based company specializing in the... |
11/13/2024 - Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO) ("Oklo"), an advanced fission power and nuclear fuel recycling company, has received Letters of Intent (LOIs) and is partnering with two major data center providers to deliver u... |
11/13/2024 - Thirty years ago, in 1994, Holtec International opened its first docket with the USNRC and submitted its first license application to certify a dry storage and transport cask. Today, Holtec has 16 doc... |
11/13/2024 - AtkinsRéalis Group Inc., a world-class engineering services and nuclear company with offices around the world, is leading a joint venture, with partners Westinghouse Government Services and Jacobs Tec... |
11/11/2024 - Maritime industry leaders from the U.S. and Canada traveled to ABS’ World Headquarters to discuss the latest marine market trends in the emerging ammonia, hydrogen and carbon economies, offshore renew... |
11/8/2024 - NorthStar Maritime Dismantlement Services, LLC, a subsidiary of NorthStar Group Services, Inc. (NorthStar) and Modern American Recycling and Radiological Services, LLC (MARRS), a subsidiary of Modern... |
11/6/2024 - NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) (“NANO Nuclear” or “the Company”), a leading vertically integrated advanced nuclear energy and technology company developing portable clean nuclear energy soluti... |
11/4/2024 - The American Physical Society has recognized the Graphite Reactor, located at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as an APS historic site. APS President Young-Kee Kim presented a... |
11/4/2024 - Pelican Energy Partners ("Pelican") announced the successful closing of Pelican Energy Partners Base Zero LP ("Base Zero" or "the Fund") at $450 million, which far exceeded its target of $300 million ... |
11/3/2024 - Talen Energy Corporation ("Talen") released the following statement in response to Friday’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the “FERC”) order rejecting the amended Susquehanna Interconnection Se... |
11/1/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking public comment on the draft
supplemental environmental impact statement for renewing the operating licenses of
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1... |
11/1/2024 - A software algorithm developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has reduced the time needed to inspect 3D-printed parts for nuclear applications by 85 percent. Researchers are now t... |
10/31/2024 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking comment on a proposed rule and draft
guidance for a commercial nuclear power plant licensing process that uses risk insights to set
performance standards... |
10/30/2024 - TerraPower, a leading advanced nuclear energy developer, today announced it has executed a term sheet with ASP Isotopes Inc. to expand global production of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU). The... |
10/29/2024 - Savannah River National Laboratory will receive $6 million to lead two projects related to Laboratory Foundational Science Programs in Fusion Materials, Nuclear Science, and Enabling Technologies. ... |
10/28/2024 - Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) ("URC") is pleased to announce that it acquired an existing royalty on the Millennium and Cree Extension Uranium Projects in Saskatchewan, Canada (the "... |