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Valves: Gate Valves (0-Items)

Gate Valves
Gate Valve, Solid disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packing, 125 lb SWP - 200 lb WOG, Threaded Ends, Manual Operation, Available Sizes (1/4" - 3"). Materials...
Gate Valves
Gate valve, Solid wedge disc, Rising Stem, Union bonnet, Gland Packing, 150 lb SWP - 300 lb WOG, Threaded ends, Conforms to MSS SP-80.Type 2, Availabl...
Gate Valves
Non Rising Stem Gate Valve, Solid Wedge disc, Gland Packing, Class 125, General Service , Threaded Ends, Manual Operation, Conforms to MSS SP-80, Avai...
Gate Valves
Non Rising Stem Gate Valve, Solid Wedge Disc, Gland Packing, 125 lb SWP - 200 lb WOG, General Service, Sweat Ends, Threaded Bonnet, Conforms to MSS SP...
Gate Valves
Non Rising Stem Gate valve, Solid Wedge disc, Gland packing, 150 lb SWP - 300 lb WOG, General Service, Threaded ends, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 1, A...
Gate Valves
Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve, 150 lb SWP - 300 lb WOG, Industrial Service, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS ...
Gate Valves
Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve, Heavy Duty Service, 200 lb, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 1, Av...
Gate Valves
Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve, Heavy Duty Service, 300 lb, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 1, Av...
Gate Valves
Non Rising Stem Gate Valve, Solid wedge disc, Union bonnet, Threaded end, 300 lb SWP - 1000 lb WOG, Conforms to MSS SP-80, Type1, Available Sizes (1/4...
Gate Valves
Gate Valve, 150 lb, Quick Opening, Threaded Ends, O-Ring Stem Packed, Double Disc, Spring Loaded, Lever Operated, Tank Trucks, Bulk Plants, Available ...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, 150 lb SWP - 300 lb WOG, General Service, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Threaded Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-8...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, 150 lb, Sweat Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 2, Available Sizes (3/8" - 3"). ...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, Heavy Duty Service, 200 lb, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 2, Availa...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, 200 lb, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 2, Available Sizes (1/4" - 2"...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, Heavy Duty Service, 300 lb, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 2, Availa...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, Heavy Duty Service, 300 lb SWP - 1000 lb WOG, Threaded Ends, Solid Wedge Disc, Union Bonnet, Gland Packed, Conforms to MSS SP-...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, Solid Wedge disc, Gland packed, 125 lb SWP - 200 lb, Threaded ends, manual operation, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Type 2, Available...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate Valve, Solid Wedge disc, Gland packed, 125 lb SWP - 200 lb WOG, Threaded Bonnet, Sweat Ends, Soldered Ends, Conforms to MSS SP-80. Ty...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Gate valve, Solid Wedge Disc, Union bonnet, Gland packing, 200 lb SWP - 400 lb WOG, Industrial Service, Threaded ends, Conforms to MSS SP-...
Gate Valves
Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve, 125 lb (Sizes 14" to 16"), 100 lb (Sizes 18" to 24"), Solid Wedge Disc, Flanged Ends acc. to ANSI B16.1, Gland Packed, Bol...
Gate Valves
Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve, 125 lb, Solid Wedge Disc, Flanged Ends acc. to ANSI B16.1, Gland Packed, Bolted Bonnet, 125 PSI/8.6 bar fluid pressure to ...
Gate Valves
OS&Y Gate Valve, Solid Wedge disc, Bolted Bonnet, Gland Packing, 125 lb, Flanged ends, Manual operation, Conforms to MSS SP-70, Available Sizes (2" - ...
Gate Valves
Gate Valve, OS&Y, Solid wedge Disc, Bolted Bonnet, Gland packed, 250 lb SWP @ 450F - 500 lb WOG, Flanged ends, Available Sizes (2" - 12"). Materials: ...
Gate Valves
Gate Valve OS&Y, Class 150, Flanges ends, Manual operation, Available Sizes (2" - 30"). Materials: Body & Bonnet: A216 Gr WCB, Seat Ring/Facing: A105/...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Clip Gate Valve, Inside Screw, Solid Wedge, Gland Packing, Class 150, Threaded ends acc. ANSI B2.1, Available Sizes (1/4" - 4"). Materials...
Gate Valves
Rising Stem Clip Gate Valve, Inside Screw, Solid Wedge, Gland Packing, Class 150, Threaded ends acc. ANSI B2.1, Available Sizes (1/4" - 4"). Material...
Gate Valves
OS&Y Gate Valve for Plup and Paper Mill, 125 PSI Fluid Pressure to 450 F or 232 C, 200 PSI Non-Shock Cold Water, Oil or Gas -20 F to 150 F or -29 C to...
Gate Valves
OS&Y Gate Valve, Solid Wedge disc, Bolted Bonnet, Gland Packing, 125 lb, Flanged ends acc. ASME B16.1, Available Sizes (2" - 12"). Materials: Body, B...

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