A group of experienced managers, university professors, engineers and researchers gathered together and founded Amid Engineering & Development Company (AMIDCO) in 1995 to challenge this mystery.
The conclusion and consensus was that in order to tackle this obstacle, there is a need for an independent (not related to any state organization, equipment suppliers, manufacturing or financing institutions) management consulting company that will
Operate free of ties that state owned organizations are usually obliged to form and follow,
implement new management techniques that requires different specialties and new approaches throughout the entire projects,
And ensure the development of unbiased recommendations in the best interests of the client.
Hence, AMIDCO decided to be all it should be: Independent, Innovative and Unbiased.
With this philosophy in mind, AMIDCO designs, strategize, coordinates, ties in monitors and manages projects in order to secure investments.
It became apparent that executions of today's complex and large industrial capital intensive projects with tens of local and/or foreign contractors requires a different approach and the conventional way of managing such projects, as discrete management of various engineering disciplines by related contractors, could not answer the complexity of the task.
The success of Total Project Management as a stand-alone discipline lies in the synergy that it creates through interdisciplinary approach, directed towards integrated and optimal solution and today's project management, through skillful assessment of economic issues in parallel with engineering activities, ensures high quality, appropriate solutions and guaranties reliability.
Due to the project management task that requires neither predefined positions nor too many personnel, this relatively new concept has gained the deserved reputation. AMIDCO as a new engineering company has been able to successfully extend its activities and become a reputable management consulting company in this field and several large and complex projects have been carried out successfully under its management.
Products/Services overview
The mystery of executing industrial projects in Iran has been that despite the existence of a strong engineering base, well trained technical work force and highly qualified and experienced Iranian engineering consulting firms, it always took longer than expected, cost more than estimated and hardly reached the results as specified to implement large scale industrial projects . Recent studies and long term experiences revealed that the two main hidden reasons behind this problem were in short:
Conventional approach and lack of overall management perspective
Discrete management and conflict of interests among the involved parties