Gulf Victory DRILLING EQUIPMENT LIMITED is a specialized Oil & Gas service company, concentrates its business on the Oil and Gas Drilling Industry and the wider Energy Sector, manufacturer for Oil Pipe Coupling and Blowout Preventer Repair service. Gulf Victory has in depth marketplace knowledge & experience , work with companies supply Oil Pipe and Drilling Equipment, The company concentrates its business ON:
• Drilling Equipment and Tubulars Stockist worldwidely
• .VAM TOP Oil Pipe Tool Joint Authority Sales;
• Premium Connection Oil Pipe manufacturer , equivalent with VAM. also sale API Oil Pipes, 13% Cr Alloy, High Collapse Casing, CO2/H2S Resistant Casing, Extrem Line Casing, Double Shoulder Casing, Steaming injection casing,etc.
• BOP re-conditioned work for Cameron, Shaffer Products
The Group procures sources & sells on a World-wide basis, holding stocks of Oil Tubulars and drilling equipment .
The Company holds ISO 9001 (2000 Revision) Certification which was awarded in January 2002 for their Quality Management System covering the supply of Drilling Equipment and Well Control Products,.
The company holds a Ship work End-Use number which allows goods to be purchased and stored under Customs & Excise duty suspension in China;
Servicing and overhauls of stock items are carried out where value will be given to the customer.
The company has in-depth marketplace knowledge & experience and will work with companies sourcing equipment. In addition Company recognises that partnership arrangements can add value, and will consider Leasing & Rental.
Typically the company holds in sale or has access to:
Oil Pipe, Blow Out Preventer (reconditioned), all of Products is API approved.
Gulf Victory Drilling Equipment Limited is committed to carrying out its activities to the highest standards possible meeting safety, quality and environmental considerations. To achieve these standards we bring together experienced staff, sound working practices and industry knowledge through our business in the trade of Drillling equipment.
Products/Services overview
B.O.P repair, Premium Connection Oil Pipe Threading, VAM TOP Pup Joint sale, Gardner Denver Mud Pumps