Banias Refinery Gas P/L& Prms Project

Oil Treating & Refining
Reference A-14-2011
Date 6/15/2011
Location Middle East
The company announces its need for engineering, procurement, supply and delivery, construction, commissioning and start-up for Banias Refinery gas p/l& Prms project.

Project Description:

"Banias refinery gas p/l& prms project" is defined as engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and start-up of banias gas pipeline and custody transfer skid (cts) and pressure reduction and metering station (prms) associated facilities specified in this rfq. The work to be included in the contract embraces engineering, detailed design, procurement, delivery of materials and equipment, construction, equipment installation, pre commissioning, commissioning, and training of company's staff, documentation and warranty.

Complete facilities of banias gas pipeline and custody transfer skid and pressure reduction and metering station (prms) to be constructed installed and commissioned by contractor in syria as turn-key based job.

The Project Includes But Not Limited To The Following:

The Banias Refinery Gas Pipeline and PRMS Project mainly consist of the following activities:

- Engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the following

First – The Pipeline:
- Construction of approximately 9 km length of 24"Gas pipeline extends from the outlet of new Custody Transfer Skid at Existing BANIAS PRMS inside the fence of Banias power plant in Banias city at the country coast to the new Pressure Reduction& Metering Station at Banias Refinery to feed it with gas, ref to DWG-BREF GP/L&PRMS -5006-10 01 & 5006-10-02

- Installation of Launcher at approximately 700 meter far away from the outlet of the new Custody Transfer Skid at the Existing BANIAS PRMS, this 700 meter of 24" pipeline should be sloped 0.2% minimum toward PRMS and shall be connected with the existing drain and flare system. NB. 9 km length of 24"Gas pipeline includes the distance (700 meter) between the new Custody Transfer Skid and the launcher L- 5006.

Second- At Existing Banias Prms:
- Construction of Two Metering Lines (Custody Transfer Skid) at the Existing BANIAS PRMS (2X100%) one as duty and the other standby with Capacity 3.0MMSCM/D for each line, the Custody

Transfer Skid shall be connected with the existing future Flange 24" at R5005 of Banias Gas pipeline located at the Existing Banias Pressure Reduction and Metering Station (PR&MS).

- On line Gas Chromatograph.

- Integration with the existing (DCS Control/Monitoring, safe guard & Emergency Shutdown System.

- SCADA system and Full integration with DCS, SCADA Systems for BANIAS PRMS and GCC applications software.

- Integration with the existing Fuel/Instrument Gas System.

- Integration with the existing Blow down / Vent system.

- Future Connections 24" future Valve.

- All kinds of utility systems needed.

- Etc.

And all associated piping, valves, instrumentation, civil work, fencing, electrical and spare parts...etc.

Third- At Banias Refinery Site:

- Pressure Reduction & Metering Station with Max Capacity 1.0 MMSCM/D consists mainly of the following equipment and materials ref. to the DWG-BREF GP/L&PRMS 5006-10-02:

- One future valve to feed the hydrogen unit in the Refinery with gas with Max Capacity 2.0 MMSCM/D.

- Two Pressure Reduction and Metering Trains with Filters (2X100%) one as duty and the other standby with Capacity 1 MMSCM/D for each Train.

- One Heat Exchanger.

- Stand-by Diesel Generator.

- (DCS) Control System.

- Telecommunication System based on Fiber Optic Cable.

- Blow Down System.

- Utility/Drain systems.

- Future connection equipped with required 24" valve, blind flange, bleed valve 0.5", and by pass line.

- All kinds of utility systems needed.

- Etc.

And all associated piping, valves, instrumentation, civil work, fencing, electrical and spare parts...etc.

Bidding Information

Bid Bond Euro 400000
Oil Treating & Refining
Related Prooducts: Oil Treating & Refining Agents, Anti-foaming Aromatic Solvents Butene Cleaning Corrosion Inhibiting Crude Oil Diesel Fuel Ethylene Fluids Drilling, Completion, Workover & Stimulation Fluids/Chemicals Fracturing Sand Fuel oil Gasoline (Lead free) General Grout Jet fuel Kerosene. Domestic use Lubricants, Oils & Greases Nitrogen Oil Treating & Refining Polyethylene Polyvinyl chloride Propane Sand, Sandblast Summer Diesel Surfactants
Related Tenders: Agents, Anti-foaming Aromatic Solvents Butene Cleaning Corrosion Inhibiting Crude Oil Diesel Fuel Ethylene Fluids Drilling, Completion, Workover & Stimulation Fluids/Chemicals Fuel oil Gasoline (Lead free) General Grout Jet fuel Kerosene. Domestic use Lubricants, Oils & Greases Nitrogen Oil Treating & Refining Polyethylene Polyvinyl chloride Propane

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