Supply of Movable Houses for Oil Fields

Labor Services
Reference BID902843
Date 4/8/2014
Location Africa
Harouge Oil Operation, is joint operating company on behalf of National Oil Operation Libya and Suncor Oil (North Africa) GMBH, Announces an invitation to participate in Prequalification for Tender for companies and contractors who have the required legal and valid licenses and relevant proven experience.

Description of the Work:
Supply of (8) movable houses for each of Amal, Ghani, En-Naga, Ras Lanuf And Tibisti fields with total (40) movable houses. each movable house consists of (2) bed rooms and internal toilet for each bed room. also provide furnishing, furniture and equipment stated the scope of work and specifications.?

The Contractor will take in his consideration during the engineering work that the design, installation& materials of the mobile houses should be suitable for the desert conditions, well sealed and heavy duty according to the standard specifications.

Any party has background, capability and available manpower and equipment to perform work and would like to participate in the above mentioned prequalification processes for HOO is requested to provide all the required information and documents as listed below:

1.Name of contractor or company and its normal type of activity, In addition all legal documents as following:
•Valid license compatible with the required work.
• Commercial Registration
• Certificate of Registration in Chamber of Commerce.
•Payment of tax certificate
•Article of association.

2.Organization Chart along with CVs for the professional and technical manpower with min. 10 years + experience and also lists of available plant and equipment.

3.List of similar works completed within the last 3 years specific in the work program, Include the following information:
a.Project Title
b.Work location
c.Client name, address, phone/fax/email contact reference
d.Brief description of the works
e.Start/completion dates
f.Approx. value of work (US$ equiv.

4.Number of professional employees, engineers, technicians and support discipline employed for the service i.e. for similar projects.

5.CV’s of board of management.

6.Copy of QA/QC manual along with implementation forms, checklists & certificates applicable to QA/QC Management system.

7.Copy of HSE manual along with implementation forms checklists & certificates.

8.Details of local Libyan/Foreign partnering available agents and in-country licenses and registration.

9.A work backlog curve for the next two years.

10.Copy of financial statement audited by charted accountants for last 3 years. Or internal financial statement if the company is established for less than one year.

11. Provide address, Emails and Phone numbers for main and branch office.

Your prequalification file should be subdivided into sections and covered with an index as listed above.

1.Each point carries an evaluation weighting any answer or statement given must be evidenced by attachment within the submission. Failure to do so could result in failure to become qualified to subsequently receive the ITT package.
2.This invitation does not mean an obligation for HOO to invite company or contractor to tender or for the said company or contractor to participate in this project.
3. Any company or contractor interested in participating in this prequalification is responsible for all costs involved.
4.All communications must be via a person authorized to deal with the subject prequalification.
5. Incomplete files or non-specialized licenses shall not be considered.

The above information and supporting documents must be delivered to The Office of the Secretary of the Tender Committee 6th Floor HOO main Office, Janat alareef Street – Tripoli/Libya

Bidding Information

Labor Services
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