Thermowells & PT. Resistance Probes

Reference 1202/2016
Date 10/3/2016
Location Middle East
The company bids for purchasing thermowells and PT. resistance probes.

The instruments to be supplied are as follows: -

- Item 001 Qty=8, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral -insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31J0080D0350F22El Q8XA

- Item 002 Qty=2, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31J0150N071 OEI XA

- Item 003 Qty=16, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no : 0065N31 J0080D0350F04E 1 Q8XA

- Item 004 Qty=12, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire
- Sheated insulator Sheath material: 321 SST
Sheath insulation material: mineral -insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31 J0080D0500F1 OE1 Q8XA

- Item 005 Qty=20, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31J0080D0250F04E1 Q8XA

- Item 006 Qty=12, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated I cable construction
- Purchase order no: I 0065N31 J0080D0300F04 E 1 Q8XA

-Item 007 Qty=4, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31J0080N0490EIXA

- Item 008 Qty=2, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31 J0080D0400F22EIQ8XA

- Item 009 Qty=2, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31 JO150N0360E1 XA

-Item 010 Qty=2, PT-100, 4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31J0120N0480E1XA

- Item 011 Qty=2, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper, ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31 NOOOONO 145E 1 XA

- Item 012 Qty=2, PT 100,4 Wire:
- Element diameter: 6mm
- Standard cha: EN 60751 Single element
- Internal wiring material: Silver - couted copper ,ptfe insul. Stranded wire Sheated insulator
- Sheath material: 321 SST
- Sheath insulation material: mineral-insulated cable construction
- Purchase order no: 0065N31J0080D0600F04El Q8XA

Bidding Information

Bid Bond US 930.00
Bond Validity 120 days
Offer Validity 120 days
Documents Price ID 250,000.00
Related Prooducts: Thermowells Analyzers, Gas Calibration Equipment Calibrators, Electronic, Pneumatic Concentration Conductivity Meters Density Detector, Gas Dissolved Oxygen meters Drilling Instruments Float Switch Gas meters General Indicators and Recorders Leak Locators Level meters Liquid Measurement Load cells Monitoring & Control Mud Control Mud Logging pH and REDOX Pressure gauges/ Transmitters Radiation Detection SCADA Systems Temperature gauges/ Transmitters Thermocouples Thermowells Transducers Transmitters Transmitters, Pressure Turbidity Meters Viscosity Weather Station Weighing Equipment
Related Tenders: Analyzers, Gas Calibration Equipment Calibrators, Electronic, Pneumatic Conductivity Meters Density Detector, Gas Dissolved Oxygen meters Drilling Instruments Gas meters General Indicators and Recorders Leak Locators Level meters Liquid Measurement Monitoring & Control Mud Logging Pressure gauges/ Transmitters SCADA Systems Temperature gauges/ Transmitters Thermocouples Thermowells Transmitters Transmitters, Pressure Viscosity Weather Station

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