Supply of Seismic Explosive

Seismic Energy Sources
Reference SDI1080P17
Date 5/13/2016
Location Asia
The company invites bidders for the supply of the following items:-

* Item 001 Qty= 38,000 KG, Seismic Explosive:
Seismic explosives in Couple Plastic Tubes (CPT) of Class-II explosives. Each tube must be of diameter 63 mm and shall weight 2.5 kg (excluding the weight of CPT).Density must be 1.1 ± 0.1 g/cc. Explosive shall operate in shot hole depth of maximum 30 m depth. Shelf life shall be minimum 9 months. Velocity of Detonation (VOD) must be 5000 ± 500m/sec. Explosive shall be Sensitive to Aluminum Instantaneous Electric Detonator (Class -VI division -III) of strength no. 8 with reaction time 1 ms or less. The explosives must be approved by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur. Bidder has to provide the following along with its bid:
1) Technical brochure of the product offered.
2) Certificate certifying that the explosive offered is approved by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur.

* Item 002 Qty= 4,000 KG, Seismic Explosive:
Seismic explosives in Couple Plastic Tubes (CPT) of Class-II explosives. Each tube must be of diameter 63 mm and shall weight 1.0 kg (excluding the weight of CPT). Density must be 1.1 ± 0.1 g/cc. Explosive shall operate in shot hole depth of maximum 30 m depth. Shelf life shall be minimum 9 months. Velocity of Detonation (VOD) must be 5000 ± 500m/sec. Explosive shall be Sensitive to Aluminum Instantaneous Electric Detonator (Class -VI division -III) of strength no. 8 with reaction time 1 ms or less. The explosives must be approved by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur. Bidder has to provide the following along with its bid:
1) Technical brochure of the product offered.
2) Certificate certifying that the explosive offered is approved by Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur.

Bidding Information

Bid Bond Rs 93,200.00
Bond Validity 180 days
Offer Validity 90 days
Documents Price Rs 1,000.00
Seismic Energy Sources
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