Providing Waste Management Services

Labor Services
Reference RFP-226502
Date 8/1/2016
Location Middle East
The company invites bids for the supply of Waste Management Services within West Kuwait Operational Areas of the Company. The Services comprise provision of personnel, Vehicles, Equipment, materials and facilities to carry out waste management services within Company’s West Kuwait (WK) operational areas, complete with supply of manpower, vehicle & Equipment and any all work which could be reasonably deemed as necessary, as described in the Contract and other tools and tackles and the provision of any and all work which could be reasonably deemed necessary and as described in the Contract to complete the Services. The Contractor shall develop Waste Processing Area (WPA) in WK area and utilise its personnel, Vehicles and Equipment to perform the Services as directed by the Company’s authorised representatives under the general supervision and guidance of the Company’s personnel.

As part of the scope of Services, the Contractor, at a cost included in the Contract Price, shall provide and maintain a Site office, store, storage yard and the like to be used exclusively for the Services. The Company at its discretion and convenience and for the duration of the Services shall provide land for such facilities. The layout of the Site office and stores shall be subject to prior approval of the Company. The Contractor shall fence such areas and upon issue of the Certificate of Completion shall promptly remove fencing and leave the area clean and tidy. The details of the Site office shall be in accordance with the requirements set out in the Contract Specification.

The Contractor shall:
a) For the Site office and stores, provide fire extinguishers approved by the Company’s HSE Team;
b) Provide all electricity, water supply, sanitary and all necessary utilities and maintain hygienic conditions;
c) Provide air-conditioned eating and resting facility at each Site location;
d) Provide a portable toilet for labourers at each Site location;
e) Not use gas cooker in the Site office and use a safe hot plate instead;
f) Not store flammable liquids or any combustible material inside the Site offices;
g) Ensure that all electrical wiring and appliances are according to the electrical standard and as approved by the Company;
h) Provide garbage containers for the Site office;
i) Implement a safe method of refuelling the power generator by means of using a safety can or hand pump;
j) Ensure mandatory reverse parking of Contractor’s vehicles in the car parking area for the Company and Contractor’s personnel;
k) Ensure that adequate space is available inside the Site office and store for material storage;
l) Ensure provision of exhaust fans for kitchen and bathrooms;
m) Ensure that there is provision of reflective type stickers for entrance and emergency exit doors and for entrance and exit roads;
n) Ensure that adequate security is provided for the Site office and other Site areas, including the provision of required security personnel;
o) Provide mobile telephones exclusively for the Site office where no land telephone lines have been provided;
p) Provide first aid facility for the Site office; and
q) Obtain at its risk and cost any additional facility which it may require for the purpose of the Services.

Bidding Information

Bid Bond KD 104,000.00
Bond Validity 90 days
Documents Price KD 300.00
Labor Services
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