ADMA-OPCO - Umm Shaif Gas Injection Facilities (USGIF)

Offshore Exploration - Completed

Location  Umm Shaif field, Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Investment  1,600,000,000 USD
Completion  2/23/2011
Scope  Umm Shaif Gas Injection Facilities (USGIF) project is designed to enhance oil production with an average of additional 50,000 barrels per day by the beginning of year 2010 from the Umm Shaif Field. This target will be achieved through gas injection of an annual average of 600 million standard cubic feet/day into Arab C and D reservoirs.

The project includes three new platforms and associated subsea pipelines and cables, new bridges and tie-ins work at Umm Shaif Super complex (USSC), in addition to major modifications of three existing gas wellhead towers in Umm Shaif Field. The compression platform, named CP-1, is the heaviest with an estimated total weight of 16,000 tonnes. The topside alone weighs more than 13,000 tones. This platform will be located northeast of USSC. A bridge connecting accommodation and utilities platform will be installed 300 meters northeast of CP-1. This platform weighs more than 8,000 tones. The third platform, located 100 meters away from USSC, will accommodate oil separation facilities and will be linked to a new water disposal well. This platform weighs more than 9,000 tonnes.

The project also will see the installation of 23 km of subsea pipelines vary in size from 6 to 30 inches with more than 55 crossings of existing pipelines.

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